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Platelet rich plasma (PRP)

At Thames Aesthetics, we harness the natural healing powers of your body with our state-of-the-art PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy. Experience the revolution in hair rejuvenation and witness the astonishing PRP hair treatment before and after transformation. Conveniently located, find the best PRP treatment near you.

Gua Sha Massage
Image by Garrett Jackson

What is PRP ?

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a groundbreaking aesthetic procedure that uses the healing properties of your own blood to promote hair growth and health. Our skilled clinicians excel in PRP injections for the scalp, providing a natural method to combat hair loss and thinning. 

How does PRP work for hair?

The treatment employs the body's own healing processes to repair and rejuvenate the scalp, encouraging hair growth. 


PRP stimulates the hair follicles, enhancing blood circulation and promoting the regeneration of hair growth. 


The growth factors in PRP are excellent for hair follicle stimulation, leading to thicker and healthier hair. 

PRP benefits for hair

The treatment employs the body's own healing processes to repair and rejuvenate the scalp, encouraging hair growth. 


PRP stimulates the hair follicles, enhancing blood circulation and promoting the regeneration of hair growth. 


The growth factors in PRP are excellent for hair follicle stimulation, leading to thicker and healthier hair.


Conditions that PRP can treat

PRP is an excellent treatment for many conditions:

  • Hair thinning

  • Hair loss

  • Scalp health


PRP Procedure

Small amounts of your own blood will be taken and processed in a centrifuge which will separate the platelet rich plasma from the red blood cells. 

PRP is then re-injected into the scalp, targeting areas of thinning and hair loss to stimulate hair growth and improve scalp health.

PRP invigorates hair follicles, promotes scalp health, and enhances hair thickness and quality.

PRP treatment procedure

PRP Results


Before: the scalp is visible with thinner hair coverage, and the parting looks wider due to lesser hair density

After: there is a noticeable improvement in hair density with the scalp less visible. The hair parting appears narrower and the overall hair looks healthier, indicating the effectiveness of the PRP treatment in enhancing hair growth and thickness.

PRP Cost

We believe in transparency and affordability. While the PRP injection cost can vary based on individual treatment plans, we offer competitive pricing on all PRP treatments. 



  • 1 session: £350

  • ​Two sessions booked together: £600​


How many sessions are needed for hair? 

The required number of sessions may differ based on individual goals and the condition of the scalp and hair. Generally, a series of 2-4 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, is advised for the best outcomes. 


How long do the results of PRP hair treatment last? 

The effects of PRP for hair rejuvenation become increasingly noticeable over time and can sustain for 18 months or more. The longevity of results can vary according to individual factors. 


Is PRP treatment for hair painful? 

Some discomfort might be felt during the injection, but many find the PRP hair treatment to be quite bearable. Discomfort is typically minimal, and the procedure is considered manageable by most. 


What is the recovery time for PRP hair treatment? 

Recovery time can vary, but usually, individuals can return to their regular activities after 48 hours. PRP injections for the scalp generally involve minimal downtime.


Are there any risks associated with PRP therapy for hair? 

PRP therapy is a low-risk procedure, with possible side effects including bruising, swelling, or tenderness at the injection sites. These effects are usually temporary, and the risk of allergic reactions is minimal as the treatment uses the patient's own blood. 


Is PRP therapy for hair better than other treatments? 

PRP therapy offers a more natural approach to hair rejuvenation compared to other treatments, enhancing the scalp's natural healing and hair growth capabilities without synthetic substances. 


Who is a good candidate for PRP hair treatment? 

Almost anyone experiencing hair thinning or loss is a good candidate for PRP hair treatment, as it utilises the patient's own blood for a natural approach to improving hair health. 


What is the cost of PRP treatment for hair? 

The cost of PRP hair treatment can vary depending on the individual treatment plan and the area being treated. For precise pricing information, clients are encouraged to contact Thames Aesthetics directly.


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